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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

A Hub for raising ISSUES rather than NEW IDEAS

So this hub seems designed for new ideas, and the only Sage input seems to be the occasional Thanks for the Idea comment.

I have a number of ISSUES, where 2016 seems to have taken backwards steps from 2011 that we just upgraded from. Occasionally we find that there is a hotfix, but there are several that don&t. The only feedback we get, from our sage partners, is that Sage tell them to tell us to report it on the Hub. But to what end That's not good enough for us! I need to know that Sage are LISTENING and will do something about these ISSUES. WHY can't we update sales invoices to the Sales ledger when the customer is on stop? That's added an extra process to my team to have to take people off stop just to updated invoices, then put them on again. WHY can't we part reconcile transactions in the Cash Book? We're now considering going back to pen and paper on this one, as we're going to end up in a muddle otherwise. These are two examples of 2016 making us LESS efficient, when really an upgrade you would hope we would become MORE efficient. I have put these on the Hub, but are Sage looking?? These aren't new ideas, but things that need to be fixed as they've been lost in the upgrades.