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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Tell us about HotFixes

I have just experienced Issue 7471 - fixed with a HotFix in May 2018 - but the search facilities on the known issues database were not adequate enough for me to find the issue resolution before I had to (a) log the incident, (b) wait for an update, (c) try to pacify the customer, (d) dial in to get the resolution, and now (e) kick off all the users on the customers system, (f) patch in the hotfix, and (g) get all users to re-install their client. Sage R&D have obviously recognized the problem and put the effort in to create a hotfix - so why cant they do the simple thing and email the main (support) contact for each reseller a notification of publication of any hotfix to the current version. Also, in the search facilities of Sage200 Known Issues, can you allow searching for the word HOTFIX so we can find and assess whether any of our clients (and your customers of course) need these hotfixes. This would allow us to be more pro-active. In my case and issue 7471, I now have to plan to re-do 104 client installs - you work out how much effort that is and whether you could justify paying for it?

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Oct 26, 2023

    If you want to know which issues have had a hotfix created, you can do this by changing the 'search by' criteria to 'Issue Details' and then entering the phrase 'hotfix' or 'hot fix within the 'Search'.