Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Updating invoices to the sales ledger for customer accounts on hold

Apparently since upgrading to 2016 we can no longer update invoices that have just been generated to the sales ledger for customers on stop - it gives an error report. We have to remove the 'on hold' for those customers, updated the invoices, then put them all back on hold again. This is seriously timewasting. Just because a customer is on hold, we're not going to not invoice them for orders that may have already gone through before they were put on hold!! Please sort this out urgently Sage, we upgraded to 2016 to move forwards, not go backwards. I note that we've just had a hotfix that means we CAN now allocate customer receipts whilst customers are on stop which we couldn't when first upgraded (yes, customers on stop are allowed to make payments!), so that is halfway there.

  • Guest
  • Apr 24 2017
  • Not an idea
Fixed in version 2017 (Summer/ Winter)
Implemented in version (specific) 2017 (Winter)
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    12 Mar 13:11

    This was actually an issue with the software and was fixed in our Winter 2017 release