Bank Receipt - F6 function to copy line from above
On Sage 50, we used to be able to use the F6 function to copy the description from the previous line when processing a bank receipt. This was a time-saving feature which would be useful in Sage 200.
over 1 year ago
in Payment/Receipt
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Show the Sales Order number in the columns on the Invoicing List screen
I often get given only the Sales Order number and on the other side reports are run giving me the sales invoice number and I would like to be able to quickly match the two numbers.
Beverley Wintle
about 1 year ago
in List
Will not implement
Project Accounting - would be more meaningful to know 'invoiced revenue' or 'revenue to date'
We have several projects which are open at the same time. Various stages of completion. We have sales orders linked to projects. Currently Sage gives you "Total Revenue" which will show the value of all sales order lines linked to the project rega...
John Wilkins
over 1 year ago
in Project Accounting
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
In the Invoicing list when you select invoices they display a total on the bottom of the list. If you select a Credit Note it is shown as a positive value and added to the Invoice total when it should be a deduction.
Sandra Wallace
over 1 year ago
in List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Sage 200 Professional - Project Issuing of Stock - Cost Methods
Currently, if you issue stock (regardless of the costing method used for that item), if you had to return some of that stock from the project, that stock&s cost price will represent the average cost of the item. This can cause discrepancies if...
David Casey
over 1 year ago
in Project Accounting
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Unable to re-name or remove phase from project structure
I've discovered that when you're amending a project, there are some issues where Sage 200 doesn't work as you'd expect it to. In Project Accounting I clicked on "Amend Project" then "Amend Project Structure". Whilst in "Amend Project Structure" I ...
John Wilkins
about 1 year ago
in Project Accounting
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
It would be useful to be able to use a wildcard in a filter which prompts for data at time of running the filter. An example might be perhaps using and & (or another wildcard) to trigger a pop-up window where a customer/supplier code is entere...
Su Larcombe
5 months ago
in List / List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support