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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-933 Sage 200 Disconnected Logins - Automatic Clear Down.

Clear disconnected logins/balance ledgers automated task

Hi, Several customers currently and over the years have had stock issues and ## SOP order creations which are resolved by a number of combinations based on clearing disconnected logins, balancing ledgers on stock, running a ## SOP clear script. Whilst we are able to automate the script having someone available to run balance ledgers depending on the working hours can disrupt the customer. I&d like to put an idea forward that there is the ability to automate balance ledgers to be run in a similar fashion to the MRP automation. This would help a lot of customers where you could set the task to run daily at lunchtime or night and be proactive in trying to resolve stock issues. Thanks Lucas