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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Reverse the decision to use Click Once for 200c

Click once seems a good idea however it is leading to longer installs & in the case of users using terminal services excessive disk space being used, i.e. Sage 200 occupies ~250MB for the client, if you have a terminal services site you end up with the installation being replicated for every user, so for a 20 user system you consume 10GB. Further more it's far from click once if you consider that to install it you have to install the server, then the client, then the admin tool, the BI client, the e-banking components etc. for a client you cannot install the software for the user unless you have their credentials, the alternative being to ask the user to install their own client & the e-banking components. It's also not been tested well from a deployment aspect since the install fails to create the installer web page correctly if you install to anything other than a 'C' drive. The only advantage that I can see is the deployment of service packs & we have yet to see one appear to know whether this will indeed work & if a change is applied to the report designer component whether this would be deployed at the same time