Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Issue a roll up service pack release for Sage 200 v2015 (which will install client/server on Windows 10 Pro)

Sage 200 v2015 is not going to be end of life for a few years. So when will sage apply the changes to the installer to allow the S200 server component install to work on Windows 10 Pro (v2016 install is fine). As Sage 200 developers we use Virtual PC's to run different versions of Sage 200. We want to use Windows 10 Pro on the VM's. We have upgraded a VM from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 (Sage 200 v2015 was installed when the VM was Windows 8.1 and works fine). The issue is just with the Sage 200 installer!

  • Nigel Smith
  • Jan 20 2017
  • Will not implement
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    29 Jan 03:36pm

    As part of our recent review, this idea has now been closed. Version 2015 is retired due to the SLS/ TLS changes we communicated to our Partners and Customers through 2020 - 2023.