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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Ability to consolidate Despatch Notes

My client has requested the ability to consolidate SOP Despatch Notes in the same way that you can consolidate invoices. The example being, if you have multiple Sales Orders on the system for one customer you might want to ship the goods together on one Despatch Note. Currently, if you try to despatch all together it will output multiple Despatch Notes. Please can you provide the ability to consolidate despatch notes.

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Ability to consolidate several separate sales order despatches on one despatch number

** I raised this as an idea a while back but it was closed but the solution offered did not get around the issue, hence it being re-opened ** Original request : My client has requested the ability to consolidate SOP Despatch Notes in the same way ...
Michelle White almost 9 years ago in Despatch 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support