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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories New/Amend Order
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 27, 2017

Ability to cancel a purchase order when goods are no longer required & ability mark a PO as complete without posting an invoice

We need the ability to be able to cancel a purchase order when the goods are no longer required. At present when an order is cancelled the requisition is available again in the Generate Orders from Purchase Requisitions screen. But if goods are not required this means we will have to keep a note to not raise this order again in the future in error. What is needed is a way of marking the order as no longer required that does not effect the requisition and removes the commitment from the budgets. This would also be helpful where we are using a supplier called credit card for people to raise orders where payment is to be made on the corporate credit card. We then process the payments as a VAT payment to the credit card directly rather than adding hundreds of supplier records that may only be used once. For these we then also need the ability to mark the order as complete, but without posting any invoice to it directly as we need the ability to use multiple VAT numbers.

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Marking a Purchase Order or Sales Order Complete instead of having to cancel it to clear from Live orders

I have goods that need to returned for rework which have been invoiced for. I won't get a credit note or new invoice for this, as the original invoices covers the costs. The option I have to close a return at the moment is to cancel the actual ret...
Guest about 7 years ago in Cancel return 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support