Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Can we please have a downloadable version of the Help (version controlled) that can be used off-line.

We have a secure site, where users do not have internet access (and never will have). As a consequence they have no access to the on-line help. Can we please have a downloadable version (version controlled) that can be accessed and used off-line.

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Already Exists
  • David Lee commented
    20 Nov, 2023 08:47am

    This should already be available if you're using Sage 200 Professional - although not for Sage 200 Standard.

    When you open the help from Sage 200 Professional, it will first check if you have an internet connection. If you have an internet connection, Sage 200 will open the online version of the help. If you don't have an internet connection, then Sage 200 will display the local copy of the help that's installed on your Sage 200 server PC.
    The local copy of the help will be the same as the online version (at the time of release), although it does not include video content.