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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-1116 Ability to amend Back-to-Back Orders .

Ability to amend quantities on back to back orders

When generating a Purchase Order from a Sales Order, it is not possible to amend the quantities. If the stock is short delivered, there is then no way to Complete the Sales Order and Purchase Order. As an example, a quantity of 40 is entered on a Sales Order and therefore the Purchase Order is generated with the same quantity.Only 36 are received, so the goods are booked in on the PO side. The additional 4 is never going to be received. The quantity cannot be reduced on the SO and also cannot be reduced on the PO. Even before booking the goods in, you can reduce the quantity on the Sales Order but still cannot amend the Purchase Order quantity. It is not possible to write off the Purchase Order as the order is linked. The system should allow quantities to be amended so that both the SO and PO are not sat in the system as outstanding.

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    Jo Kirkup
    Mar 19, 2024

    Thanks for the idea, we are unable to replicate your steps, we are able to reduce the quantities so I a not sure if I am missing a step?

    Entered the sales order, and as part of order entry the purchase order was generated. Order was then received i.e. 36 out of 40, we were able to reduce the quantity. Please provide the steps and we can review.

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