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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Amend Despatch
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 21, 2017

Amend goods Despatched - Return stock to source BIN

Setting: Sales Order Processing Settings, tab “Order Processing”, and select the option “Update Stock Quantities when: Order dispatch is confirmed”; Scenario: when trying to “Amend goods Despatched” and cancel the current allocation of this “dispatch note”, the system is not returning the stock quantities to BIN where the order was allocated, and instead of, it is transferring the quantities to the first alphabetic bin.


Choose location when crediting or returning goods

When amending a dispatch or processing a sales order credit for a traceable item there is no option to choose where to locate the returned stock. it currently defaults to "unspecified" location. I don't want it to always return to source Bin eithe...
Laura Bingham over 1 year ago in Amend Despatch 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support