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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Costs on Creating Return from Order

In SOP you can now create a Return from a Sales Order. In these days of prices fluctuating a lot due to inflation, its important to get the item cost correct on Sage. If stock is added at a value into Sage, when you are using FIFO and adding it to...
Gary Butler over 1 year ago in New/Amend Order 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Improve Bin Location Management

The way Sage 200 currently handles bins is on a Warehouse, Stock Item Level. Therefore to add an item to a Bin, this is configured based on the 'Warehouse Item' there is therefore no forced consistency between multiple items and across the warehou...
Chris Housecroft over 4 years ago in Locations 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

The ability to export to Excel directly from Nominal screen

Directly export to excel from nominal transaction screen the same way as Sage 50
Guest almost 2 years ago in Excel 1 Already Exists

Remove the Delay on Disconnected Logins

Our customers would like you to remove the delay on Disconnected Logins. At the moment there is at least a 10 minute delay and in some instances they do not appear until the user who has caused the disconnection logs off. However, even when they a...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Login/Log Off 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Enable 2FA IP Whitelisting for organisations

As two-factor authentication is now being mandated on Sage products, it would be great to be able to IP whitelist, making it quicker for our staff to log in when they are working on the schools network. So anything from behind school's public/e...
Stuart Mathis about 1 year ago in Authentication / Sage ID (Sage Account) 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Direct Debit Suppliers Excluded From Suggested Payment Report

Create a seventh payment group for Direct Debit suppliers and when you run the supplier suggested payments report these are automatically excluded from the report so you don't have to go to amend suggested payments and take them out every time. Or...
Guest over 6 years ago in Suggested Payments 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Setting for document created by field on orders to be non-amendable

The document created by field can be amended by anyone, this creates an issue when managers check an order. Would be great to have the ability to make this field non amendable, either from System Admin features or a setting in the SOP settings.
Claire Trim about 2 years ago in New/Amend Order 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

To be able to Write Off Incomplete Sales Orders in the same way as Writing Off Orders in POP

Previously logged as Wish List Number 5983. A number of customers think that it would be useful to be able to Write Off Incomplete Sales Orders in the same way as you can Write Off Incomplete Purchase Orders. There is currently no facility in SOP ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Write Off Orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Restore backup from one Company into another in SEOS

In SEOS its not possible to restore a backup from one Company e.g. the Live Company into another e.g. Year End Archive or Training without downloading a bacpac, importing it, running the online migration, creating a new bacpac, uploading it and th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Backups 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to Create a Purchase Return From a Purchase Order

One of our clients likes the new ability to create a Sales Return from a Sales Order, however for them they quite commonly need to return goods to suppliers and would find it really useful if the same ability as that in the Sales Side was availabl...
Adrian Evans over 6 years ago in New/Amend Return 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support