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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Purchase Order - e-mailed status

Like there is for Print Status in POP a column to show that it has been e-mailed. These days it is e-mailed more than printed and the print status updates to PRINTED even if just previewed so need a separate column for E-mailed.
David Shearer over 3 years ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Show invoice numbers on allocation session drilldown

When looking an allocation within the SL module you can only see the invoice number and the date of the allocation. It would be very helpful if you could also see the invoice date in this view. Thanks
Guest almost 3 years ago in Allocate / Allocate 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Actual sale price to show on stock

The actual sale price does not show on the stock screen page. This is confusing as it is necessary to click onto view and then view sales orders to find the most current price. Difficult when a customer is asking for the price.
Christine Sellick over 1 year ago in List 4 Will not implement

To add a new screen where it is possible to tick Accounts to be hidden/re-activated en-masse (all ledgers)

Customers regularly ask the question whether it is possible to hide accounts en-masse. In the Purchase and Sales Ledgers it is possible to sort Accounts in the Accounts List View using the &Date of Last Transaction & field, then select mul...
Eric Belshaw over 2 years ago in Account Status / Account Status 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Rapid Invoice - Include link to add invoice

Introduce a function to allow attaching documents to individual lines (attach/pdf button on right side of the line). Current system only allows this function in single invoice entry and using this interface means i then have to go into each indivi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Rapid Invoice 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Imports - Update -further improvements to the update of stock records

Imports - Update -further improvements to the update of stock records as outlined below. Adding / removing suppliers to a stock record Adding / removing locations to a stock record Adding BOM details to a stock record - e.g. can specify that the i...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Stock 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage to enter a balancing DR or CR on Nominal Ledger Journals

Presently we have to enter a balancing figure in Journals - can Sage 200 do this automatically like other accounting softwarwe I've used in the past please?
Claire Langford over 1 year ago in Journal Entry 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Bank Payment Refunds are treated as purchases on VAT return - should be negative income

We are an Academy and have had to process lots of parent refunds for cancelled school trips. We are also VAT registered and partially exempt. The refunds are processed as VATable payments with an outside the scope VAT code in order for them to be ...
Guest over 4 years ago in VAT 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Excel Reporting - Revenue and Cost report: flip sign on budgets

A client is using the Excel Revenue and Cost report to extract budgets and actuals from Sage 200 for reporting. The actual values are signed flipped, so that the revenue credits are displayed as positives and the cost debits as negatives. Budgets,...
Gregor Imrie over 3 years ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Expose the Sales Return endpoint via the API

We currently use the Sage 200 API to post Order details to Sage via the SOP endpoint. This works perfectly, it is accurate and saves a lot of time for this to be automated. However we still need to create all our Sales Returns manually in Sage as ...
Sage API 12 months ago in SOP 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support