It would be extremely useful if Sage 200 had Drill Down Reports out of the box in the same way that Sage 50 does. Sage 50 customers upgrading see this as lost functionality
Graham Sean
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
I would like to be able to view the supplier account information without having to select 'amend Account' as this could potentially result in someone accidentally overwriting existing information. Sage 50 would allow you to view the supplier infor...
Jenna Hughes
5 months ago
in Account
Already Exists
When creating / maintaining or searching for a specific report, the tree structure collapses after each report has been opened e.g. I have a report I want to clone in Custom > Reports > SOP - I select a report, open it but it's the wrong one...
Andrew Dunn
about 1 month ago
in Reports
Not an idea
Allow users to amend the date on Invoice and Payment when doing payment with order in SOP
If a user takes Payments with Sales Orders, and it is set to Invoice Immediately the date of the invoice that is generated automatically and the receipt that is posted take the current date. This is fine if you are entering live on the same day as...
Alison Alison
about 1 month ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Committed cost in Project Accounting is misleading
This is similar to the idea or bug submitted with number S200UK-I-2651 but I didn't initially notice this issue also affected the costs too, not only the revenue side of things, so I thought I should add it as a separate issue. Project Accounting ...
John Wilkins
about 1 month ago
in Project Accounting
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Remove or hide disabled users from POP authorisation out of office
Would it be possible to remove or hide the disabled users from the drop down when selecting your alternative approver? It seems ridiculous that people who have been disabled in Sage system admin still appear and can be selected as an alternative a...
John Wilkins
2 months ago
in Authorise
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Within SOP then the current Payment reference field is limited to 20characters - we're seeing increasing numbers of 3rd party systems providing longer than this. e.g. Worldpay at 64 chars. Without this field being populated it makes it impossible ...
Jeff Smith
2 months ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Add/Transfer Stock Items within Stock Take Process
During a stock take process items may be found in a different location/bin to that reported on the stock take sheets, so the quantity in stock may be correct but the location is incorrect. A simple transfer button option would allow the user to mo...
Howard Taylor
3 months ago
in Stocktake
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
When entering a SL customer receipt / payment, option to toggle on/off account hold status
We use account status "on hold" for past due SL accounts. When the customers pays, we enter the receipt and a pop up reminds us the account is on hold and asks if we wish to continue. Then we complete the receipt and have to go into amend account ...