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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Remove or hide disabled users from POP authorisation out of office

Would it be possible to remove or hide the disabled users from the drop down when selecting your alternative approver? It seems ridiculous that people who have been disabled in Sage system admin still appear and can be selected as an alternative approver when setting your POP out of office. Surely disables users should be filtered or excluded from the drop-down.


Idea Benefit Avoid orders being stuck and prevent orders going to wrong approvers/leavers
How do you solve for this problem today? Amend PO's and they then need re-approval, wasting people's time doing things multiple times
Product Variant Sage 200 Professional
  • Rachel Wood
    Feb 5, 2025

    I think this would be beneficial across all Sage areas where the User List exists such as when looking at the User Login Status Summary.