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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Allow users to amend the date on Invoice and Payment when doing payment with order in SOP

If a user takes Payments with Sales Orders, and it is set to Invoice Immediately the date of the invoice that is generated automatically and the receipt that is posted take the current date. This is fine if you are entering live on the same day as it happened. If however you are entering the transactions later.. say these were entries that were taken over a weekend, and you are entering on the Monday, then the dates of the transactions will be the Monday date irrespective of the date entered on the order.

If the date is in the same month, then it isn't too much of an issue (although it is incorrect), but if it means the orders span a month, then it means things are reported in the wrong period.

Ideally the Invoice and receipt should take the date as entered as the Sales Order Order Date, or the user given the ability to set the date when the invoice/receipt are posted. Or even an extra date in the Payment with order screen that gets used would work.

Idea Benefit Accurate financial reporting
How do you solve for this problem today? There isn't a solution other than not using Payments with orders and handling everything manually.
Product Variant Sage 200 Professional (SPC), Sage 200 Professional