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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Drill Down Reports

It would be extremely useful if Sage 200 had Drill Down Reports out of the box in the same way that Sage 50 does. Sage 50 customers upgrading see this as lost functionality

Idea Benefit Greater visibility of data to the user. Matches standard functionality in Sage 50
How do you solve for this problem today? Design reports and workspaces, use tools outside of Sage such as Excel or Power BI
Product Variant Sage 200 Professional (SPC), Sage 200 Professional, Sage 200 Standard, Sage for Education
  • elaine disley
    Apr 15, 2024

    I totally agree especially the TB , P&L and BS. as we have spent days on creating these for a client.

  • Tony Davis-Coyle
    Nov 27, 2023

    Sage 200 already has this functionality, but it's not implemented very often. In fact, the last time I did it was probably 10, or more, years ago.

    I have an example where I run an account listing and then drill-down into transactions for a customer, but then am able to reprint an invoice directly without having to run a separate report.


to be able to click a link on a trial balance report to see what amounts make up the total for each nominal, as Sage 50 does.

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Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support