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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Process standing orders and Direct Debits for specific bank accounts not all bank accounts in the Cash Book

When using the 'Maintain Standing Orders and Direct Debits' Screen you can select the bank account to maintain and amend data prior to posting Using the 'Process Standing Orders and Direct Debits' Screen use can process standing orders for all acc...
Victoria Hanley about 2 years ago in Direct Debits and Standing Orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Opayo 'Request Card Payment' Button on Sage 200

Similar to Sage50, on the Customer List Screen, a button to request a card payment which is linked to Opayo. This creates a link which can then be emailed to the customer to request them to pay a specific amount, which is entered manually before t...
Lisa Castle 5 months ago in Opayo 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Legislative compliance for the Plastic Packaging Act

This idea is to enable users affected by next year's change to legislation to be compliant and to calculate the plastic tax. This tax will raise £225m per year so will affect a number of businesses. The HMRC estimate there are 20,000 UK manufactur...
Guest over 3 years ago in Plastic Packaging Tax 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to set Fixed Asset Status to Inactive to retain record

Two separate customers have asked if it would be possible to set a Fixed Asset status to Inactive when it has been fully depreciated. Currently the Inactive status is used to denote a FA record that does not contain all depreciation details. They ...
Kate Kisler over 1 year ago in Fixed Assets 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

SOP Despatch, tracking screen. Pieces. Need extra fields for package type / no of packages.

Pieces is being used to show the number of pallets being sent. Package information is also required, the number of packages and type of package (from a drop down if possible). Box/Carton etc
Karen Ona Gibbons 12 months ago in Despatch 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Commercial Invoice Printing

It would be nice to have the ability to print 'commercial invoice' from the drop down options in the Sales Orders List. At the moment it's hidden away in the Document Printing menu all by itself, therefore having to access a new screen, when it co...
Marie Holt almost 2 years ago in Print Invoice 6 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Nominal Transaction Screen - Filtered Balance as well as Current Balance

When filtering by Date/Period on the Nominal Transaction Screen, it would be useful to see the total of that period as well as the year to date figure. Sage 50 allowed gave you the option to download to Excel from this screen so you could add them...
Jocelyn Milne almost 2 years ago in Transaction Analysis 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to put nominal codes on hold if they are no longer to be used

To limit use of nominal code/CC/depts., there seems to be an ability to make inactive and disallow manual journal entries. However supplier transaction imports can still be posted to nominal code/CC/dept. combinations even if they are made inactiv...
Tracey Hoggart over 1 year ago in New/Amend Account 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Cancelling Orders Linked To Requisitions

The product help guideline advises that the person who submitted the requisition can see the comment containing the reason why the PO has been cancelled. Would it not be better to have this comment visible for all to see, as opposed to just the re...
Tracy Thomson 10 months ago in Cancel order 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow Unicode characters in address details

When receiving orders from countries like South Korea & Greece the Delivery address does not handle the local language of the country. i.e. it replaced foreign characters with question marks.
simon IT tech 5 months ago in Account / Account 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support