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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Ability to put nominal codes on hold if they are no longer to be used

To limit use of nominal code/CC/depts., there seems to be an ability to make inactive and disallow manual journal entries. However supplier transaction imports can still be posted to nominal code/CC/dept. combinations even if they are made inactive (and manual journal entries disallowed). The ability to put nominal code/CC/depts. on hold completely and to stop use of them altogether regardless of the source of the transaction would be extremely useful.


Ability to make nominal codes 'Inactive' if they are not to be used anymore.

If we no longer want to use a nominal code, there is no way to make it 'inactive'. You can hide it but that doesn't stop people from posting invoices + journals to this nominal code by accident.
Hennessey, Megan 4 months ago in New/Amend Account 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support