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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Commercial Invoice Printing

It would be nice to have the ability to print 'commercial invoice' from the drop down options in the Sales Orders List. At the moment it's hidden away in the Document Printing menu all by itself, therefore having to access a new screen, when it could be done from the same page as when you invoice a sales order

  • John Wilkins
    Oct 21, 2024

    @Laura Bingham. Document Printing is under Sales Order Processing. Please see my screenshot from my earlier comment on 15th of October. Thanks

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Oct 16, 2024

    Thanks for the additional comms, our Customer Services team is going to review the article to make sure the information is clear.

    In terms of making it more automated, you can speak to your business partner and if they have development skills they can use the Sage 200 developer kit to create a button to run the report for you.

  • John Wilkins
    Oct 15, 2024

    Just to follow up. We've downloaded the report from Jo's link. Then added the new 'feature' in the Sage system admin & applied that to a relevant Sales role so that the appropriate users have access to it. Picture just for info in case anyone else stumbles across this as I've found the answer to my earlier question. This is where it is in the menu. Thanks

  • John Wilkins
    Oct 15, 2024

    Hi Marie,

    Could you please explain what you mean by "hidden away in the Document Printing menu"? I've been using Sage 200 for 3 years and I've never found this but would be interested to know what's available. Which menu options are you using or which screens do you access to get to this?

    I've just looked at the link from Jo Kirkup @ Sage and I'm not sure whether we've got the report added so I'll ask our Sage support partner to have a look at this.

    @Jo - the article doesn't explain how you run or generate the report. Might it be possible to include that in the article?

    I was also wondering whether it might be possible for a button to be added when looking at the Sales Order despatches screen. There's a print button but that prints the despatch note. Could that perhaps be re-named to "Print despatch note" and another button be added for "Print commercial invoice"? Or perhaps from the "Print" dropdown in the sales order list - I appreciate there could be multiple despatches and therefore multiple commercial invoices in relation to one SO.


  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Feb 12, 2024

    We created a template commercial invoice you can download from our knowledgebase, the article also provides other information -

  • Laura Bingham
    Feb 12, 2024

    Hi, I know I'm late to jump on this idea but I was wondering if someone can point me in the direction of the document printing menu? I don't have any access to a commercial invoice on my Sage 200 and have to do manual invoices out with Sage