Amend Generate Suggested Payments to be able to add Filters, Either for Analysis code or bare minimum Payment Group
Customers always have issues around the blanket nature of the generate payments screen being a blankets one size fits all option. The option seems to be incredibly dated not having not been changed since the inception of Sage MMS/200. It could be ...
We have a long list of automatic bank standing orders and direct debits. It would be useful to be able to put these in order by choice as we can on other screens.
Please stop Captcha verification which is obtrusive and time consuming
You have started daily captcha verification when logging in but your captcha's don't seem to work properly and you have to try multiple times for very obvious captchas, like a motorbike or a bus because your captcha system is flawed. It wastes pre...
Prevent a purchase invoice being entered against a purchase order that in on 'Hold'
When a Purchase order has been placed on hold, it should not be possible to record an order invoice against the PO. This would mean any PO's with GRN issues could be stopped from further accidental processing. It would on mirror the 'On Hold' stat...
Ashley cook
about 1 month ago
in Record invoice
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Make it more user friendly to gain access to the report designer calendar for booking appointments. Would be useful to know how many free designs are still available with package.
Christine Sellick
about 1 month ago
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Before the update on 28/10/2024 you had the option of opening the Sage 200 application twice. This was an undocumented feature but very useful for Sage 200 Standard Online customers that had more than one company. For one of our customers it's abs...
When amending a journal (either in current or deferred transactions) we have the ability to amend the description, amount or nominal code however there is not the ability to amend the journal date, which would be helpful.
Victoria Thompson
about 1 year ago
in Corrections / Journal Entry
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Could you add functionality so that price book changes can be approved?
It'd be good if Price Book changes were reviewed or approved. Currently we have someone in our Sales team that can manage the Price Book. What if their changes contain an error or there's a typo which we can all be guilty of? It'd be better from a...
John Wilkins
about 1 month ago
in Price Book
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support