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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Could you add functionality so that price book changes can be approved?

It'd be good if Price Book changes were reviewed or approved. Currently we have someone in our Sales team that can manage the Price Book. What if their changes contain an error or there's a typo which we can all be guilty of? It'd be better from a controls perspective if there were some segregation of duties and that changes made were reviewed by someone else. It'd be useful if our Account Manager who maintains the pricing in the system could have their changes reviewed by their line manager to ensure that they're happy with the updates prior to them being used.

Idea Benefit Fewer mistakes. Better segregation of duties.
How do you solve for this problem today? We sometimes export the changes from Sicon audit log and ask for them to be reviewed by the Sales Director but by this point, the changes have happened, the prices are in use and if they're wrong, it's already too late.
Product Variant Sage 200 Professional