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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Option to pick up email from Delivery address or in contacts for emailing Invoices out

Some departments would like Sales invoices to go direct to them, whilst other areas need their invoices to go to the main invoicing / accounts contact setup at Sales Leger level If we could add a tick box on the delivery address to override the ma...
Victoria Hanley 10 months ago in New/Amend Invoice 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stop Sales Order transaction when Account is on Hold

When an account is on Hold, you can currently still process a Sales Order within the system. It would be better if you could place a customer on hold and allow it to transact a Sales Order dependant on what 'Hold' status is given. Status ActionOn ...
Guest over 6 years ago in New/Amend Order 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to attach documents in other modules, e.g. Sales Ledger, Sales Order Processing.

The ability to attach / scan documents to sales transactions, for example may wish to attachproof of delivery. Please add examples of where and why you would find this useful. Thank you
Guest over 6 years ago in Invoice/Credit 1 Partially Implemented

Extend the Power Automate Custom Connector

We're looking to extract P&L and Balance Sheet data from Sage200 to use in a cloud based system for planning and analytics. As we're trying to access the data via the Power Automate custom connector to the Sage200 API, we found we do not have ...
Adriana Nita about 1 year ago in API 6 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Warning when insufficient stock on Invoicing

When using SOP invoicing and there is no stock an invoice is produced anyway even though stock is set not to go into negative. This means the customer gets an invoice for goods they could not possibly have received. Can there be a warning either a...
carla renno 12 months ago in New/Amend Invoice 5 Will not implement

Ability to have 'non ship' days as not available for despatch

This would help blank out the days when we know we are unable to ship
Pauline Douglass about 1 year ago in Despatch 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Documents to print lines in same order as on sales order after they you have used the move up and down function

When using the move up and move down function on orders, when you come to print the documents because the lines are not renumbered they print out in the original sort order.
Sarah Lancaster about 1 year ago in Print 2 Not an idea

Non-base currency supplier or customer

Can we see both the foreign and base currency values of Suppliers and Customers displayed on the Supplier and Customer lists
Ronan Cosgrove 11 months ago in List / List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow changing status of item to inactive when it is a component of an Obsolete BOM

If you try to change the status of an item from active to inactive where that item is a component of an obsolete BOM it returns and error message: A BOM exists for the item. It cannot be marked as inactive Problem: leaving this item as active pote...
Guest over 5 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Pay Now button on Pro Forma Invoices

We use invoice payments via Stripe for SOP invoices but would like to extend this to pro forma invoices also. Currently it is not possible to add a Pay Now button to a pro forma invoice layout. The benefits of having this on pro forma invoices are...
Dan Hall over 1 year ago in Print 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support