Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Option to pick up email from Delivery address or in contacts for emailing Invoices out

Some departments would like Sales invoices to go direct to them, whilst other areas need their invoices to go to the main invoicing / accounts contact setup at Sales Leger level

If we could add a tick box on the delivery address to override the main Invoicing Email address setup in contacts at Sales ledger level and use the delivery address email address on the delivery address record, it would be great.

  • Victoria Hanley
  • May 16 2024
  • Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Idea Benefit Keeping all customers happy
How do you solve for this problem today? I cant i have to send them all out and wait for the customer to complain before sending again and overtyping the email address with the delivery address email address
Product Variant Sage 200 Professional
  • Geoff Turner commented
    17 May 07:04

    This can be done already. Set up an analysis code on the order, something like "Email to delivery address", values Y/N. Then in the Report Designer, Invoice layout, Email settings, change to "To:" expression to something like this:


    (With the relevant correct AnalysisCode number!)

  • Victoria Hanley commented
    16 May 19:00

    unfortunately this would not work for those systems where customers like the NHS auto scan pdfs and do not log in to portals for Invoices - most invoices are read by OCR and logging into a system manually would not suit my customer needs because of this, perhaps both options could be available

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    16 May 17:00

    Thanks for the idea, we're working on introducing new functionality called the Customer Account Portal which would alleviate the need to send out emails with invoices attached. This sounds like something that might benefit you and your customers. We recently sent out a customer survey for this and we're keen to speak to customers about this. If you're interested could you can complete the survey, it contains more information on this new functionality, from there I'll reach out to set up a call.