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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Sage 200 - UKI

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Add filter to bottom of Purchase Document Status to show what is outstanding clearer

On Purchase Document Status List, Can we have a second filter at the bottom to filter such things as received/ outsntading to keep the process clearer?
Branden Golden 10 days ago in Workspaces 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stock History listed in 2 columns. IN and OUT

The Stock History is very difficult to work through, when looking for stock errors, because movements in and out are shown as positive numbers. Please either show Out movements as negatives numbers, or at least split in and out movements into 2 se...
Brenda Rawlings over 1 year ago in View Stock Item History 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add Attachments tab to web client

The Sage web client does not have an attachments tab to allow web users to add attachments to customers
Tim Critchley about 1 month ago in Web screens 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Go cardless Instalments option

The replication of the same functions that are offered for Go-Cardless via Sage 50 into Sage 200. Not having the instalment plan options are preventing customers from switching from 50 to 200
stacey hall 8 months ago in GoCardless 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Create an option to reverse a Payment Run or allow refresh of bank details

One of the major issues with the Suggested Payment Run routine in Sage 200 is when posting payment and creating a bank file. If there are errors with any of the suppliers on the run, (incorrect BIC or IBAN etc.) Payment run still completes with th...
Paul Daly 11 months ago in Ebanking (Payments) 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

attachment with enter customer receipt

It would be useful to add a remittance to a sales receipt on customers.
Wendy Gardner 6 months ago in Payment/Receipt 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage 200 64-bit

When are we going to get Sage 200 as a 64 bit app? There have been plenty of requests for the Sage BI and Outlook integration to support 64-bit but the truth is, the core product needs to be 64 bit. The latest Microsoft Visual Studio version 2022 ...
Chris Gorringe over 2 years ago in 32/64 bit 14 Further Information Required

need to be able to add attachments to SO on sage 200

Need to be able to add attachments to SO on sage 200.
Guest about 1 year ago in New/Amend Order 1 Review in progress

Can Country of Origin be added to the Columns of Stock List

With Brexit, Intrastat reports are no asking for Country Of Origin. While we add this when creating a new stock item, we are unable to pull any reports country wise for us to know levels of import that we do - this is important for our internal st...
Viji Puliyur-Doherty 10 months ago in List 4 In Development

Automatically roll/amend period dates for future financial years when shortening or lengthening the year end

This will save considerable time for customers when needing to shorten or lengthen their year end by creating a button/script to automatically change/roll-out future periods based upon the final month/period/year date of 'This Financial Year' into...
Steve Machin 9 months ago in Accounting Periods 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support