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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


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Ability to choose different invoice layout when reprinting invoice

If you produce an invoice in the Invoicing module and select a different layout, it will reprint on the layout assigned to the customer record. There is no option on the Reprint screen to choose a different layout.
Claire Trim about 1 year ago in Print 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Change of invoice address & company name on the invoice

Instead of having to go into the customer to edit these details, it should allow us to edit the invoice address and company name on the invoice despite the status. Even when you change the customer address, it won't amend the invoice once reprinti...
Sophie May 4 months ago in Re-print 2 Already Exists

Avoid SAGE re-issuing invoice but to automatically update changes

when I post a sales invoice through invoicing module, then the customer comes back to me and says can you update the address to “…….” Or FAO “……”, at the moment, I have to reverse the invoice I just posted, update the information on their account ...
Ash Prayagsing 7 months ago in Post / Print 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Edit delivery address on invoice even after printing

We have a trade counter and quite often delivery addresses need to be corrected or changed. We use the invoice module for speed, however, once the invoice is printed we cannot amend the delivery address, so have to cancel the invoice, and redo it ...
Eiain Lennon 4 months ago in New/Amend Invoice 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Option to pick up email from Delivery address or in contacts for emailing Invoices out

Some departments would like Sales invoices to go direct to them, whilst other areas need their invoices to go to the main invoicing / accounts contact setup at Sales Leger level If we could add a tick box on the delivery address to override the ma...
Victoria Hanley 10 months ago in New/Amend Invoice 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Warning when insufficient stock on Invoicing

When using SOP invoicing and there is no stock an invoice is produced anyway even though stock is set not to go into negative. This means the customer gets an invoice for goods they could not possibly have received. Can there be a warning either a...
carla renno 12 months ago in New/Amend Invoice 5 Will not implement

To be able to create Copy Invoice to Credit Note in Invoicing Module

In newer versions of Sage 200 it is possible to copy an existing order when entering a sales return in SOP so that you do not have to manually key in all lines. It would be useful if the same option was available in the Invoicing Module. So when y...
Guest about 7 years ago in New/Amend Invoice 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Invoicing list Paid flag / credit taken flag

it would be really useful to see from the invoicing list which invoices are unpaid/Credits not taken
Victoria Hanley about 1 year ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add a note or memo from the invoicing list screen and a flag to say there are notes present

It would be useful to add / view the notes memo notes added in to the Sales Transaction enquiry screen from the invoicing list, this would speed up entering any queries
Victoria Hanley about 1 year ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Show the Sales Order number in the columns on the Invoicing List screen

I often get given only the Sales Order number and on the other side reports are run giving me the sales invoice number and I would like to be able to quickly match the two numbers.
Beverley Wintle about 1 year ago in List 2 Will not implement