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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Incident Management System

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Improve the Incident Manager Home Page - Call Summary needs to be Mandatory lose the classification section

When I look at the list of incidents in my incident manager, I have no idea what each call is about. It would be better instead of the complicated list of modules it relates to, that it simply had a call description. EG "problem with Workspaces". ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Incident Management System 1 Delivered

Sage Incident Manager to Email updates

Sage Incident Manager to Email updates. At the moment Sage can put an update on the Incident Manager and the only way of us knowing is to connect and check all our incidents. It would be a lot better if the updates were emailed to us as well. Or a...
Guest over 7 years ago in Incident Management System 1 Delivered

Improve/expand the incident manager details section

When logging a call, we complete all the necessary parts, e.g. server operating system, version of Sage etc.....but the most important part, describing the call & getting our description across to support is very difficult to populate. This is...
Guest over 6 years ago in Incident Management System 1 Delivered