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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Further Information Required
Categories Desktop Settings
Created by Christine Sellick
Created on Feb 23, 2024

Set up specific to log in, not computer

Would be useful if each log in had it's own set up on each page (which category is shown on each page) as this is often specific to each individual. At the moment, it is set to each computer, rather than log in.

Idea Benefit Each person has their own set up, specific to their own working requirements
How do you solve for this problem today? There is no work around this, if the computer is shared between workers.
  • Lee Ross
    Feb 26, 2025

    After a discussion, I understand that the idea involves linking user settings (such as customised columns in list views) to the Sage ID used for logging in. I have found another related idea, both focusing on enabling user profiles to be used on different machines.

    To add some context to why sage 200 works in the way that it does, currently it is using "Formstate" technology, which means that if you change a list view this is stored against the users profile as a .formstate file.

    Using roaming profiles is something that could work however typically it would fall into the domain of sage professional, but it currently untested by ourselves and we have had cases previously linked to the complicated nature of this set up.

    Workspaces were added to the program a lot later than list views, if you change something in the workspace enquiry screens then this is saved in the tblUserPreferences table in the shared configuration database and this would allow that change to follow the user.

    In short, technology has improved since list views were added to the program and we have taken advantage and utilized it, however it would take a complete rewrite of the current functionality to store that information elsewhere in the software.

    With this being said we appreciate the comments, and it is currently open for voting, if this is added to the roadmap then we will update the status of this idea.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 22, 2025

    We've been trying to get more information on this idea, we're unable to progress a review without it. If we do not hear from you then we'll close this idea.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Feb 23, 2024

    Please could you provide more information, Sage 200 Standard uses Sage ID to login which is user specific. Sage 200 Professional uses Active Directory, which again is user specific not the PC.


Sage 200 Standard Customisation

When you customise Sage 200 Standard with columns etc I'd like these to be saved in the cloud so no matter where you log on you have your customisations. I understand it to be they are saved in temp files on the PC so does not follow you around.
David Shearer about 1 month ago in Desktop Settings 3 Further Information Required