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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Could the accounting period number be visible in the purchase ledger please?

Given that Sage allows you to back-date a transaction and has both invoice date and posted dates, it can be challenging at month-end in terms of cut off. We were looking at our GRNI (goods received, not invoiced) info. It is not always easy to identify which transactions have been processed in which accounting period. In this example an invoice dated January has been posted and back-dated 26th of Jan, but some of the goods were received in January and some in Feb. So attempting to accrue the appropriate amount for January month-end is not straight-forward. Given that we have a very high number of transactions flowing through our stock account nominal codes due to volume of postings because of parts being used in manufacturing, our nominal ledgers are often very slow to view, sometimes even crashing entirely. It would be beneficial to have the nominal period information - which appears in the nominal transaction enquiry screen - available in the supplier transaction enquiry screen when viewing the nominal drop down. Could that be added as an additional column in that screen in a future release please? It be very helpful and seems like all of the other information is already there, so hopefully wouldn't be too difficult to include. Thanks

Idea Benefit Much quicker access to critical information
How do you solve for this problem today? Inefficient manual searching the nominal ledger, sometimes by date because Sage will either take a very long time or even crash retrieving records due to volume of transactions