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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Nominal Transactions Excel Report Glitch

Hi, I have identified an issue with the Nominal Transactions Report in Excel reporting when you pull this off the reports section for us as we have been with Sage just over 2 years so on this report it shows Current Year, Last Year 2 Year but when you look at the transactions it pulls down it doesn't match the Nominal list found in the Nominal Section. It appears for the 2 Year part its look at transactions up to 2 years old based on the Transaction date and not 2 years in Financial Years. The issue with this is our year-end runs from Sept to Aug so any transactions February 18 to Sept 17 are missing so if I want a snapshot of all transactions from this report it's not accurately reporting this period. I have spoken to Sage who will raise this as an issue but suggested I put this onto the HUB to hopefully get buy-in for Sage to sort as pulling a report is much quicker than extracting lists of nominal transactions and then creating a report from scratch. I hope people agree this needs addressing as part of reporting.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Feb 14, 2024

    Thanks for the comments, we've reviewed this and this is a known issue reference 8162. Please contact your support provider to discuss this in more detail.