Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Ability to remove Order Priority for Sales Orders

Our customer has upgraded to 2023 R2 and they are no longer able to remove the order priorities from sales orders. Sage has advised that this was a bug that has now been fixed and order priorities were never intended to be removable. They would like this to be reinstated as below.

We have always used the order priority codes to tell us things like whether they need Production ‘P’ or to have components ordered from alternate suppliers ‘O’.
The relevant people have filters set up to show them various priorities of order which they use to action production schedules or to raise purchase orders.
This makes it clear on our large outstanding orders list filter also what priority sales orders should be sent out and which need to be actioned.
We then remove the priority letter when, for example, any ordered goods come into stock and therefore the order no longer needs to have an ‘O’ priority and is ready to dispatch, likewise once goods are produced in our factory and are in free stock the ‘P’ can be removed. This removed them from any actionable filters and means everyone can clearly see the orders are free to be dispatched.
It is perhaps not the way that the order priority is intended to be used, but all our orders are what you might call priority ‘A’ as in – to send as soon as possible, so we have no need for the full alphabet to rank them, we need to know what actionable letter is appropriate to get the goods out of the door. As some orders remain blank in priority box and there is still a blank option in the drop down, it seems illogical that once a letter is assigned, it cannot be removed. It doesn’t seem there is any benefit to not having the option and we would request therefore that the option is restored.

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  • Oct 13 2023
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    Jo Kirkup commented
    22 Feb 16:32

    Thanks for the idea, we've tried this and we can amend the order priority.

    Can you let us know which version of the software you are operating please - details on how to do this are available in this knowledgebase article.

    Could you also let us know at what point you can't amend the order priority?