Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Despatch List Sort

In previous versions of sage 200, the ability to sort despatches via. the columns within the view option for a sales order was present. From at least 2022 R2, this ability has disappeared. It would be beneficial to have this option reinstated in future versions of Sage 200 Professional Going forward.

  • David Casey
  • Jan 2 2024
  • Further Information Required
Idea Benefit Users have the benefit of viewing despatches in an order of their preference going forward.
How do you solve for this problem today? The user would have to export all lines to excel to order the list in way to suit themselves.
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    11 Jan 02:31pm

    So within the sales order > selecting the despatches button at the bottom of the order, we are able to then sort by the columns that appear on the new screen. Are you finding that you can't sort by any of the columns or are you using a different screen?

  • David Casey commented
    3 Jan 05:31pm

    I opened up a sales order with existing despatches by viewing, then selected despatches and then saw that i was not able to order the list of despatches that appeared. I have tested this in multiple instances. On sage 2022r2

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    3 Jan 02:31pm

    When viewing a sales order, we've been able to toggle to see the despatches and then we can sort them. Please could you provide detailed steps on what you are doing so we can review this further.