Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

MS Windows is Dying....Time to Wake Up!!!!

Sage is famous for not supporting anything BUT MS Windows... ...But the world is changing... WAKE UP SAGE!!!! I know growing organisations that would not countenance Sage software as they are: - Going mobile - Want full cloud accounting (NOT at Sage 200 subscription prices!!!) - Using Google (Chromebooks, etc.)as their technology platform - Using Apple as their technology platform as an extension of the iPhones, & iPads they use as their main go-to devices (which they are used to using) - Have NO loyalty to Microsoft Windows as they were not brought up on this ancient software platform NO desktop PCs, NO laptops in sight... Some of these will be the corporations of the future that will be totally lost customers ...and in the longer term, ALL organisations will go this way and your customer base will shrink dramatically. Think of Ford; Think of Tesla. Which company would you rather be a partner to in the future....? OK this is strong stuff, but do you get the point Sage???

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  • Apr 14 2017
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Fixed in version n/a
  • Sam Ford commented
    02 Jul 07:31

    Thank you Jo. I have sent an email to the address you provided.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    01 Jul 16:20

    also outside of the webscreen piece as Microsoft's AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) can be used, you aren't tied to windows operating systems for your client pc's Microsoft AVD is available on the apple, Microsoft and google app stores

    this is the google link -

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    01 Jul 16:18

    not all the screens are web accessible yet, but if you drop me a message via I'll happily set up a call to chat to you about it and do a little demo too :)

  • Sam Ford commented
    01 Jul 15:46

    Hi Jo, thank you for responding. I'm not too sure what you mean by web screens. Are you saying that Sage 200 will now be fully cloud-based so our finance team no longer have to have software installs on windows machines? Does this also enable them to link to the bank and produce invoices etc, all of which are currently only available via the window desktop version of Sage.

    I couldn't find anything about web screens or Azure Virtual Desktop within the links you provided. I'd be grateful if you could provide the links to this information.

    Kind regards

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    01 Jul 11:23

    An update has been provided, we are replacing the desktop with web screens, a number of these are already available. You can find out how to access them using the links below.

    Sage 200 Standard/ Sage for Education:

    Sage 200 Professional:

    We are on a journey of modernisation for Sage 200 which will take us some time to complete.

    Sage 200 Professional is fully tested to work with Azure Virtual Desktop and through our Partner Cloud initiative the solution is automatically installed. Separately Sage 200 Standard is deployed automatically on request through our provisioning portal, and has automatic upgrades.

  • Sam Ford commented
    01 Jul 10:43

    Is there any update on the question I asked back in November 2023?
    When will Sage be fully cloud based for our finance staff as currently, we still have to install software on windows machines that we are running purely for Sage.

    Seven years since the original post was posted and still no developments in this direction is hugely disappointing. Is there anything in the product development roadmap for this?


  • Sam Ford commented
    November 20, 2023 10:25

    I completely agree with this idea - and what a shame that this was raised in 2017 but there has still be no developments to take Sage 200 away from needing laborious software installs. We are a Google school and yet we're having to run a handful of windows machines purely to provide access to Sage for invoicing and reporting - it's ludicrous!

    When will Sage 200 be fully cloud based please?

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    October 26, 2023 13:49

    The Sage 200 Web Portal has the ability to be used on any device (tablet size and greater) with a browser. For more details of the Web Portal, click,

    Sage 200 Standard:

    Sage 200 professional: