Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Old Wish List 1236: The ability to make stock adjustments for batch/serial numbered items through stocktake

The ability to make stock adjustments for batch/serial numbered items through stocktake. DescriptionTo be able to perform a stock take for batch/serial numbered items in the same way that you can do a stock check for non batch/serial numbered items. batch numbered items can be included in the stock take lists but any amendments to stock levels must be done manually through add stock or write off stock. It would be much better to be able to correct stock levels through stock take as you can with non batch numbered items. Stock take would then become one process for all items. It would also save time in not having to exit the stock take screen to do the batch/serial numbered item adjustments.

  • Guest
  • Mar 4 2016
  • Idea Accepted - Gauging Support