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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Traceable Items to be included in Stock Take

For years now I have been asked when traceable items will be included in the stock take. Typically, if there is 'missing' or found stock the users undertaking the stock take know which batch / serial numbers are affected. What should happen is that once the counts are entered, prior to the completion, a simple selection list could appear for those traceable items with missing / found stock so the identification number can be entered or selected (depending on whether you're adding or writing stock) and the relevant stock levels and nominals should then be adjusted.

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Stock Take Perpetual Inventory

Many companies now require source lot Traceable products, the current Sage 200 system only has a support for non-traceable stock items within the Manage Stock Take process that is once the stock take process has been completed the postings and sto...
Guest over 7 years ago in Stocktake 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support