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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-1676 Allow changing status of item to inactive when it is a component of an Obsolete BOM.

Make Stock Inactive

Currently you cannot make a stock item inactive if it is used on a BOM, even if the BOM is Obsolete or Retired Request to allow a Stock Item to be made inactive if a BOM is retired NB:- As an Engineering Company we are creating individual Stock Items to manage revisions at part level and also BOM level, we are not requiring that a stock item is deleted just a way of indicating it is not current Thank you Gary

  • Jon Whiten
    Nov 20, 2023

    This would make life much easier. There is a need to be able to keep the BoM even if we want to make the item inactive. I always assumed that this was a bug where, correctly, you shouldn't be able to make a stock item inactive if it appears on a BoM; but has been implemented incorrectly if the stock item has a BoM.