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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Delivered
Categories Invoice/Credit
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 11, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-1844 Automated duplicate invoice number check.

Duplicate check of references on Purchase invoice input to be more active

When entering a purchase invoice, and adding reference and second reference data to the fields, the tick icon changes from greyed out to Green once entered. But that is not a check, you have to click the Tick to then see what sage&s duplicate check result is. Instead of clicking this on inputting every single invoice to perform the check, surely the Tick or field should be dynamic to the check its performing. Either going yellow as a warning (like other fields), or producing a question mark icon if a possible dupe, and a green tick if no issue was found. As it stands it&s a pretty useless feature, and this is a basic control that you would expect in such a system. I&m sure many people have assumed the tick going green means there was no issue identified, and dupes may have been posted!

Fixed in version n/a