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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

POP Record Invoice - Add a box to tick/untick all open lines

Please can we have an Tick/Untick All option on Purchase Order Processing / Record Invoice, or change the default setting to leave all items unticked on the landing page?

When recording an invoice Sage automatically ticks every open line on the Purchase Order and the user has to untick any lines that are not included in the invoice. We regularly have POs that have 30+ individual lines and these can be invoiced one at a time over several months. Every time we post and invoice, we have to untick all of the un-invoiced lines.

Example: My invoice is for a single line of this PO. I have to untick all of the default ticks. A tick/untick all option would be very useful. See screenshot attachment. Thank you for considering this as an option for future updates.

  • Zoe Norcliffe
    Sep 11, 2024

    I would ask that when you go through POP to record purchase invoice and select supplier and then multiple purchase orders, there is a button to select all. We can receive invoices for thousands of lines over multiple purchase orders because all orders are delivered together in one full load.

  • Zoe Norcliffe
    Sep 11, 2024

    There is a way to process your invoice without all lines being ticked. Go to Purchase order processing, order processing, record Purchase Invoices. You then select the supplier and the PO number then all lines are automatically unticked.

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