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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Can we have commas on the balances on the nominal listing screen?

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Fixed in version 2023 R1
Implemented in version (specific) 2023 R1, Sage 200 Webscreens
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Nov 27, 2024

    Its specifically in the web portal, not the desktop or the workspaces. The web portal is the new user interface for Sage 200, accessible via a browser and will be the replacement for the desktop screens. To access the web portal, simply select the cog on the top of your menu, and choose the option for the web portal. Log in and if you browse through the currently available screens you will see that the commas have been implemented per this idea.

    1 reply
  • John Wilkins
    Nov 26, 2024

    Hi Jo,

    My company upgraded to Sage 200 v2023 R1 in June 2023 and we don't see the balances with the separator despite claiming that this is fixed in version 2023 R1.

    I'd previously added idea S200UK-I-2509 which has merged into this one. Why does it say delivered when it hasn't been? We still don't see any difference.

    I was hoping for the following to display in a more user-friendly way:

    Sales Ledger > Customer List > Balance column

    Purchase Ledger > Supplier List > Balance column

    Nominal Ledger > Nominal List > Account Balance column

    Nominal Ledger > Fixed Asset List > Net Book Value column

    Cash Book > Bank Account List > Balance & Balance in Account Currency columns

    Stock Control > Stock List > Standard Cost, Actual Quantity, Sales Price columns

    Invoicing > Invoicing List > Invoiced Net Value, Invoiced Tax Value & Total Gross Value columns

    Sales Order Processing > Sales Order List > Amount column

    Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order List > Amount, Total Net Value & Total VAT Value column

    Project Accounting > Project List > Committed Cost, Total Cost, Budget Cost Value, Total Revenue, Potential Revenue, Budget Revenue Value & Total Profit columns.

    It doesn't seem to matter whether I use the workspace either. I've attached screenshots from the customer list from sales ledger and the project list from project accounting. All of the columns with balances still don't show the thousand separator, even on the workspace. Is the workspace and the "web portal" one and the same? If so, it still doesn't appear to have been changed.


  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jun 10, 2024

    Hi David, if you want to comma's on reports that a different idea, please can I ask you to log it separately and then it can be voted on as required.

    In terms of the web screens, these will be the replacement for the desktop so ultimately users will have access to these.

  • David Shearer
    Jun 5, 2024

    It's all good having this on webscreens but what if they want to print a report or save as PDF to someone who does not have access to Sage or Webscreens? Can the reports in report designer across the board not have a default comma separator. I have another customer asking the same thing.

    Particularly as they deal heavily in foreign currencies and some of them £1 = 190,000 ruppees or whatever so the numbers can get large really quickly.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Oct 26, 2023

    Sage 200 Web Portal displays values with thousand commas. As we continue to build out the Web Portal, more forms will give this benefit.

    You can find out more details about the Web portal here:

    • Sage 200 Standard:
      Sage 200 professional:


Comma separation

When will Sage be putting commas into long numbers to separate million and thousands. Working form home on a small laptop screen is pretty hard to tell apart 600402 from 6000402, etc. Thanks, Gamal, FD in Glasgow
Guest over 4 years ago in List 1 Delivered

Display amounts with thousand separators

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Default Thousand Separator to be ,

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Comma separator

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