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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Reduce The Number Of Records In The tblAudit Table

Over time the tblAudit table within the Sage200Configuration database can grow to be an unmanageable size. Within System Administrator it would be helpful if there were an option to be able to only keep entries which are x days old. Ideally this w...
Alison Alison 10 months ago in Event Logs 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

View Despatch history from Sales order

when sales orders have a number of part despatches, there is no easy way to look at the associated delivery notes
Manji Gami 3 months ago in Despatch 5 Already Exists

Bank Feeds - Bank Rec screen currently allows to enter different types of payments, but inter account transfers is missing.

Bank Rec screen currently allows to enter different types of payments, but inter account transfers is missing. I believed this was already raised as an idea 1851 (, but have been advised that thi...
Joanne Bailey 10 months ago in Bank Feeds (Bank Reconciliation) 5 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Amend Commodity Code to 12 Digits

User advises they have a commodity code for 12 digits and can't enter this
Leon Watson about 1 month ago in New/Amend Stock Record 1 Further Information Required

Show monthly total actuals in transaction enquiry (like Sage 50)

In Line 50 you can see in a simple way how much has been allocated to a nominal on a monthly basis for the current and previous year. It is easy to identify anomalies.
Corinna Semon over 1 year ago in Transaction Enquiry 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage 200 Compatibility with Microsoft Windows 12

Sage 200 Compatibility with Microsoft Windows 12
Jo Kirkup 2 months ago in Client 0 Review in progress

Barcode Generator

Based on your GLN - we need sage to create auto create a EAN13 barcode. Any company who uses barcodes will benefit from this - we are currently using a spreadsheet to create these - which we then upload using your standard template.
Chris Parkinson 4 months ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add a setting to turn off the extra pop up when saving a delivery date

Since the update, there is a new pop up box you have to click to confirm the changes made and click out and save in order to exit the window. I'm sure it is helpful for other users but it would be great if we could have the option to disable this.
Helena McEneaney 5 months ago in New/Amend Order 6 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Nominal Journal

Hi - This has probably been mentioned before but it would be good to be able to use a function key on a nominal journal to copy the line above to the current line - it would save so much time
Guest over 3 years ago in Journal Entry 0 Review in progress

When entering a receipt payment in sales ledger have ability to enter comment on over-payments

When customer over-pays an invoice the payment is receipted and the user goes to transaction enquiry to add memo line against the over-payment with reason i.e. inv 12345 paid twice - or under-payment i.e. VAT omitted from receipt
Oldschool Oldschool 11 months ago in Payment/Receipt / Payment/Receipt 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support