The current VAT Transactions report (Excel) records the VAT on Sales Invoices as a positive amount, rather than as a negative amount and Sales Credits as negatives instead of positives so that the cumulative total differs from the VAT return. Can ...
David Waller
about 1 year ago
in Excel Reporting
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
I think it would be great as part of housekeeping to have a tab on SL, PL, SOP and POP showing linked modules. I think this would help when trying to purge and delete SL and PL accounts. You get the message "the account cannot be deleted as it is ...
Kate Clement
about 2 months ago
in Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Add a setting to turn off the extra pop up when saving a delivery date
Since the update, there is a new pop up box you have to click to confirm the changes made and click out and save in order to exit the window. I'm sure it is helpful for other users but it would be great if we could have the option to disable this.
Helena McEneaney
4 months ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Reduce The Number Of Records In The tblAudit Table
Over time the tblAudit table within the Sage200Configuration database can grow to be an unmanageable size. Within System Administrator it would be helpful if there were an option to be able to only keep entries which are x days old. Ideally this w...
Alison Alison
9 months ago
in Event Logs
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Ability to choose different invoice layout when reprinting invoice
If you produce an invoice in the Invoicing module and select a different layout, it will reprint on the layout assigned to the customer record. There is no option on the Reprint screen to choose a different layout.
Claire Trim
about 1 year ago
in Print
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Based on your GLN - we need sage to create auto create a EAN13 barcode. Any company who uses barcodes will benefit from this - we are currently using a spreadsheet to create these - which we then upload using your standard template.
Chris Parkinson
3 months ago
in New/Amend Stock Record
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Customer would like a built-in enhancement where you can define a set period of time where it logs out a Sage user from the program automatically, in their case, 20 minutes, providing there has been no activity.
over 7 years ago
in Login/Log Off
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Sage 200 Disconnected Logins - Automatic Clear Down
A feature we would like to see is for disconnected logins to be cleared down automatically after a set period of say 1 hour or 1 day etc, currently we have to manually do this, and we only find out when a user reports an issue. Or even if that is ...
about 5 years ago
in Login/Log Off
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
The ability to split a nominal code on purchase orders without having to split quantities
We bulk purchase to receive discounts on line items. We have to split the items in order to split the nominals to show which are for stock and which are for customer orders. It woulbe nice to be able to have an option to split the nominal based on...
Lisa Chapman
about 1 month ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support