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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Purchase Order List & Purchase Order List (With Projects) - Remaining Balance and or Invoiced/Credited Amount

Users would like to see in this screen the Total Net Value Remaining and/or Total Invoiced/Credit Net Amount. Or at least some indication that a PO has an invoice on it. You cannot run the invoice/credit report for every PO
Guest over 1 year ago in List 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

200 standard - Goods received in needs an item description added.

When confirming goods have been received it only shows the stock code. It would be useful to show a stock description so it's clear exactly what is on each line (As in Sage 50).
Wendy Greaves about 2 years ago in GRN 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Nominal ledger period posted shown in purchase ledger

I would like to be able so from the nominal drilldown on the purchase tab the period in which the transaction was posted
Wiliam Merrick about 1 year ago in Transaction Enquiry 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to be able to import cash book transactions as well as journal entries

Some of our banking has multiple lines on it, which are repeated on a weekly basis. To avoid having to retype in each week it would be good to either set up a template so only values/dates need to be added or be able to import a csv file instead.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Cash Book 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Set up specific to log in, not computer

Would be useful if each log in had it's own set up on each page (which category is shown on each page) as this is often specific to each individual. At the moment, it is set to each computer, rather than log in.
Christine Sellick about 1 year ago in Desktop Settings 3 Further Information Required

There is no option to View Project Structure Settings in Project Accounting

The other two settings options (Project Accounting Settings & Timesheet and Expense Claim Settings) within the Project Accounting > System Setup folder allow you to view them and have separate read only options. However, Project Structure S...
John Wilkins about 1 year ago in Project Accounting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to trace who has deleted a stocktake

It is possible in SQL to see who has created a stocktake, or been into the stocktake screen, however it is not possible to see if anyone has deleted a stocktake.
Debbie Hunt over 1 year ago in Stocktake 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Multiple databases - colour coded

As we have multiple databases, one per school, it would be helpful if the background or tool bars could be differently coloured for each school to help easily identify which database is being used and prevent posting transactions in the wrong data...
Guest over 5 years ago in Companies 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Hold Prior Year Journals in the same way as other normal journals

This would allow us to save journals to be reviewed before posting, which we do for other manual journals, I don't see any reason the option shouldn't be there for prior year journals.
Samuel Peach-Barnes over 1 year ago in Previous Year Journal Entry 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier Transactions - ability to update memo field for individual transaction, when allocating

Update Memo field for individual transaction
Val Johnstone 10 months ago in Allocate 7 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support