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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Hold Prior Year Journals in the same way as other normal journals

This would allow us to save journals to be reviewed before posting, which we do for other manual journals, I don't see any reason the option shouldn't be there for prior year journals.

Idea Benefit Ability to hold and release a prior year journal in the same way as current manual journals
How do you solve for this problem today? We currently prepare the journals in excel and review them in there before re-typing into Sage, so it's duplicating work
Product Variant Sage for Education

Previous Year Journals - Hold option

The previous year journals can be printed and posted, but there is no hold option, which would allow them to be saved but not posted. This makes reviewing journals easier if they can be set-up in advance, reviewed and then posted, or partly create...
Rodway, Valerie over 1 year ago in Previous Year Journal Entry 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support