Amend stock item memo screen could very easily cause you to lose information
When you click "Amend Item" on a stock item within Stock Control & go to the 'Memo' tab, you can type in the bottom "Memo Text" box. Even if you save the amendment, it will not retain what you've entered. See picture 1 attached. If you want to...
John Wilkins
about 1 year ago
in Stock
Not an idea
Please make Sage 200 compatible with High Resolution 2K/4K/UHD Displays and Windows Desktop Scaling by default
Now thatUltra High Definition4K monitors and laptop screens are becoming much more common we are seeing a recurring problem with our customers. Elements within Sage 200 do not display correctly when the customer is using a display resolution highe...
Ability to copy cell or row from view screens rather than just export to Excel
Need to be able to copy selected rows or individual cells without having to Export to Excel first. Or to be able to highlight required text and copy to selected program
almost 2 years ago
in List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
To update the exchange rate to the period or current rate when creating an order from a Repeat Order Template.
The Repeat Order Template within SOP uses the exchange rate that was saved with the original template and does not recalculate and use the system or period rates for the new order date
Incorrect information in Nominal ledger in relation to project accounting revenue posting
I've noticed that when we issued a sales invoice from SOP, that there is an inconsistency with the data in the nominal ledger which is a major concern. We issued our sales invoice 4666 in relation to project 575. The sales invoice had two lines on...
In POP post invoice matching against GRN, GRN line to show paperclip to there is an attachment and allow view of attachment
When the Goods are received the GRN note is scanned and attached using Attach documents. When using Post invoice we want be able to see that there is an attachment (paperclip or other symbol) and be able to view the GRN attachment to view the quan...
Karen Ona Gibbons
12 months ago
in Record invoice
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
To be able to create Copy Invoice to Credit Note in Invoicing Module
In newer versions of Sage 200 it is possible to copy an existing order when entering a sales return in SOP so that you do not have to manually key in all lines. It would be useful if the same option was available in the Invoicing Module. So when y...
almost 7 years ago
in New/Amend Invoice
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Change pricing structure for all items in an order with 1 click
For Account customers, when you enter a new order, all items are assigned to the customer's specific pricing band. The same thing happens with Cash customers but if you want to change to a different pricing band, you have to do this manually for e...
We use invoice payments via Stripe for SOP invoices but would like to extend this to pro forma invoices also. Currently it is not possible to add a Pay Now button to a pro forma invoice layout. The benefits of having this on pro forma invoices are...
Dan Hall
over 1 year ago
in Print
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support