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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Sales Order Processing (SOP)

Showing 286

General settings option to take cost centre from stock code rather than Customer.

Stock items have a section where you can fill in the nominal code, including cost centre and department, but when raising a sales order every line defaults to the Customer cost centre and department even if there is data in the stock item. We want...
Victoria Holtom 11 months ago in New/Amend Order 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Free Text Costs from SOP pull through onto PO

When entering a free text item on a SOP and then creating an PO from that sale, the costs dont pull through so have to be retyped in - also if you amend a stock item cost on a sale it reverts back on the PO
Jane Smith 11 months ago in New/Amend Order 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Un-despatch all would be helpful when amending goods despatch, as some orders contain over 30 lines. Currently you have un-despatch 1 line at a time which is very time consuming.

un-despatch all
Guest over 8 years ago in Amend Despatch 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow the customer order number on sales orders to be amended or updated when completed.

Allow the customer order number on sales orders to be amended or updated even after sales orders are posted/completed.
Austin Beldham over 7 years ago in Amend Order Number 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Customer would like to be able to reduce the number of leading zeros on purchase order and sales order numbering

Customer would like to be able to reduce the number of leading zeros on purchase and sales order processing numbering to 6 instead of 10
Guest over 7 years ago in New/Amend Order 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

VAT Code for SOP to pick up from SOP Delivery Address when Delivery Address is a different country

Issue: VAT Code not pulling through to SOP if SOP Delivery Address is in a different country and uses a different VAT Code to the Stock Item or Default Trading VAT Code. Example: Our Client is using Sage 200 with their Country Code set to GB. They...
Guest almost 5 years ago in New/Amend Order 1 Not an idea

Quicker method of amending allocations on sales orders

At present, if stock is allocated on order entry and the allocated quantities subsequently need to be amended on a multi-line order, it is a long-winded task to work through each line to amend the allocations. It would be much easier to see and am...
Alan Becker almost 9 years ago in Amend Allocations 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Enable Archived orders to be searched by Job Code

Could you please confirm if there are any options in the admin console to enable Archived orders to be searched by Job Code? On the current orders page (below) Job Code search is enabled (Screenshot A) On the Archived orders page (below) Job Code ...
Guest about 6 years ago in View Order 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Print Sales Returns

Our customers like us to issue an RMA number and returns paperwork. You can create a Sales Return in Sage200 but you cannot print it? Even though, for the most part, it would use the same template as the Sales Order? It would be super helpful to b...
Guest about 5 years ago in New/Amend Return 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to invoice a percentage of a sales order regardless of the sales value of goods that have been despatched.

As a company we ship equipment to customers that can take up to 15-25 weeks to be manufactured and shipped. There is also an installation element and commissioning. We run staged payments so the customer will pay 25% up front, 25% on delivery etc ...
Gemma Donovan about 1 year ago in Despatch 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support