Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

VAT Code for SOP to pick up from SOP Delivery Address when Delivery Address is a different country


VAT Code not pulling through to SOP if SOP Delivery Address is in a different country and uses a different VAT Code to the Stock Item or Default Trading VAT Code.


Our Client is using Sage 200 with their Country Code set to GB.

They have a Customer who is based in Gibraltar with their Company Country Code being GI and their main delivery address/invoice address being GI (trading tab set to GI with Zero Rated).

This Customer sometimes needs to have Sales Orders delivered to a UK address and therefore the Stock Item VAT Rates must apply to conform with HMRC.

When they select a SOP Delivery Address in the UK, the VAT Code for the Delivery Address is displayed on the Delivery & Invoicing screen of the SOP, however it is not pulled through onto the Sales Order itself meaning the SOP has the wrong VAT Rates applied. To get round this, they either have to go to Stock Control to check which VAT Code should be applied to each line or they should automatically know which VAT Code should be applied. This is a lengthy process and not feasible when there are multiple lines on a Sales Order.

This would be an extremely useful change as the only way forward for our client is to have 2 separate Customer Accounts, 1 for Delivery to their "Home" address (GI) and 1 for Delivery to abroad (GB), which allows the VAT Rates to pull through correctly to the SOP without additional checking, however with this set up, they are not effectively able to report on this 1 Customer effectively as their trading is split between 2 accounts.

  • Guest
  • May 13 2020
  • Not an idea
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    11 Mar 12:17

    This is a defect, not a wish - please contact your support provider to discuss in more detail

  • +1