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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Purchase Ledger (Suppliers)

Showing 223

Show invoice numbers on allocation session drilldown

When looking an allocation within the SL module you can only see the invoice number and the date of the allocation. It would be very helpful if you could also see the invoice date in this view. Thanks
Guest almost 3 years ago in Allocate / Allocate 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

To add a new screen where it is possible to tick Accounts to be hidden/re-activated en-masse (all ledgers)

Customers regularly ask the question whether it is possible to hide accounts en-masse. In the Purchase and Sales Ledgers it is possible to sort Accounts in the Accounts List View using the &Date of Last Transaction & field, then select mul...
Eric Belshaw over 2 years ago in Account Status / Account Status 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Rapid Invoice - Include link to add invoice

Introduce a function to allow attaching documents to individual lines (attach/pdf button on right side of the line). Current system only allows this function in single invoice entry and using this interface means i then have to go into each indivi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Rapid Invoice 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Direct Debit Suppliers Excluded From Suggested Payment Report

Create a seventh payment group for Direct Debit suppliers and when you run the supplier suggested payments report these are automatically excluded from the report so you don't have to go to amend suggested payments and take them out every time. Or...
Guest over 6 years ago in Suggested Payments 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Retrospective Remittance Advices

I am fairly new to Sage 200, having previously used Sage 50. Unless we make Supplier payments using the Suggested Payments option, we do not appear to be able to print a Remittance Advice? We encountered a problem making an advance payment to a Su...
Guest over 2 years ago in Suggested Payments 1 Already Exists

E-banking Plug in required for Citibank

Client needs an ebanking plug in to be able to generate PL payment file to push through Citibank software
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ebanking (Payments) 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier Allocation - include the query field

Currently the query field is not visible in the supplier allocation screen.
Val Johnstone 10 months ago in Allocate 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier Categorisation

Recently we are trying to categorise suppliers based on the services they provide or their area of concentration of business but when i export all suppliers from Sage 200 I realised there is no any column indicating such. This left me with list of...
Adelami Adebayo 5 months ago in Account 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier Payments testing

Sage 200 can currently be tested and demonstrated with Bank Feeds using a Sage Demo Bank but there is no ability to do the same thing with supplier payments. Modulr who provide the supplier payments service, have a sandbox option but this isn't av...
Chris Gorringe over 1 year ago in Payment 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ebanking Plugin for Virgin Money/Bank

The customer currently banks with Virgin Money/Bank. They would like to output a payment file from their Sage 200 program, upload this to the bank and instruct payment of their suppliers.
David Stubbings over 2 years ago in Ebanking (Payments) 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support