When receiving orders from countries like South Korea & Greece the Delivery address does not handle the local language of the country. i.e. it replaced foreign characters with question marks.
simon IT tech
5 months ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Purchase Order List & Purchase Order List (With Projects) - Remaining Balance and or Invoiced/Credited Amount
Users would like to see in this screen the Total Net Value Remaining and/or Total Invoiced/Credit Net Amount. Or at least some indication that a PO has an invoice on it. You cannot run the invoice/credit report for every PO
over 1 year ago
in List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
An undo/reverse button for all transactions in Sage 200
I work for an Education Trust so we use the Sage 200 software. I have recently seen that Sage 50 offers an undo button which means that a payment or receipt, which has been posted incorrectly, can be instantly reversed with no problems. I was just...
My colleagues and I all agree that it would be much more helpful to have the following contact information on both ledgers: Job Title, First Name, Last Name Rather than: Salutation, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
sarah wall
over 2 years ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Sales/Purchase Ledger Duplicate Reference & Date Check Tool to allow check on reference only
It would be good if this checker could have an option to check the Reference Only rather than both the Reference & Date having to be duplicated for the warning message to appear.
Sales and Purchase Ledger Transaction Enquiries - setting to choose whether to sort descending or ascending
In credit control & payment control circumstances, users wish to see the oldest transactions first when loading a transaction enquiry as these are the transactions most likely to need attention, they can click on the column to change the sort ...
When looking for the correct nominal code, is it possible that you could enter a few characters and the look up will start from there rather than going through the whole nominal list.