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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Nominal Ledger

Showing 188

prepay purchase invoices

the ability to prepay a purchase invoice if the actual costs is relevant to a different period/date than what it is posted to. this could be something paid for as a one off in advance, or a service for the full year.The ability to use this within ...
kimberley hoyle about 1 year ago in Prepayments/Accruals 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Can the last Completed Period Total for VAT be the one that is highlighted by default

In VAT analysis and Completed Period Totals. Instead of the first completed total being highlighted by default can this be changed to the most recent one? This then, if a re-submit needs to be done it is more obvious which one is highlighted as th...
Gordon Bell over 1 year ago in VAT 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add new columns to budget v actual by nominal type

It would be beneficial to add a couple of columns onto that report so we can save manual input and time. Two suggested new columns would be forecast and forecast/budget variance. Therefore, when generating the reports we would have 5 columns in to...
Ash Prayagsing 7 months ago in Budgets 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA) reporting for charities within Sage 200

Introduce a report layout that would support SOFA reporting for charities
Guest almost 7 years ago in SOFA 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Budget Monitoring in New Year when Old Year is still open

The ability to run a budget v actuals report for the new year, when the old year is still open would be very helpful. I have not been given the go ahead to close old year by our accountants. This means I am unable to produce any meaningful budget ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Budgets 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Search and Sort improvements for Nominal Accounts/Description, Cost Centre and Department

When entering a Transaction i.e. a Journal Entry, the search facility and display (drop-down)is not very user friendly. Most customers have asked if they can search the nominal account by entering the description. You can only sort and search on t...
Guest over 5 years ago in Journal Entry 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

View Nominal List by Period Including Account Balance and Budget

I think it would be very useful accounting tool if the Nominal List would show the account balance AND account budget and be able to filter by period. It currently only shows the account balance as at todays date.
Guest over 4 years ago in List 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Reverse any Nominal Transaction

Starting from the nominal ledger; Create an option to reverse transaction that resides in an Open or Future accounting period. If the transaction originates in a known module then also reverse the transaction in the source module. Selection would ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Corrections / Corrections 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Realigning NL Codes across numerous Sage200 companies for Reporting

Our set up is 20+ individual companies in Sage 200. Through the years the NL Codes for the numerous Individual Companies have become out of sync. My understanding of S200 is – When transactions have been assigned to a NL code the NL code cannot be...
Guest over 1 year ago in New/Amend Account 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Remove Profit and Loss transactions to take notice of the period

A customer of mine has backdated transactions in Sage 200 prior to running the year end, they didn't want last years nominal updated but they wanted to update their Customer and Supplier balances. Backdating these transactions using 30/4/21 is fin...
Gary Butler almost 4 years ago in Year end 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support